Displaying 221 – 240 of 1070

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The Daugavet equation for polynomials

Yun Sung Choi, Domingo García, Manuel Maestre, Miguel Martín (2007)

Studia Mathematica

We study when the Daugavet equation is satisfied for weakly compact polynomials on a Banach space X, i.e. when the equality ||Id + P|| = 1 + ||P|| is satisfied for all weakly compact polynomials P: X → X. We show that this is the case when X = C(K), the real or complex space of continuous functions on a compact space K without isolated points. We also study the alternative Daugavet equation m a x | ω | = 1 | | I d + ω P | | = 1 + | | P | | for polynomials P: X → X. We show that this equation holds for every polynomial on the complex space X =...

The Daugavet property and translation-invariant subspaces

Simon Lücking (2014)

Studia Mathematica

Let G be an infinite, compact abelian group and let Λ be a subset of its dual group Γ. We study the question which spaces of the form C Λ ( G ) or L ¹ Λ ( G ) and which quotients of the form C ( G ) / C Λ ( G ) or L ¹ ( G ) / L ¹ Λ ( G ) have the Daugavet property. We show that C Λ ( G ) is a rich subspace of C(G) if and only if Γ Λ - 1 is a semi-Riesz set. If L ¹ Λ ( G ) is a rich subspace of L¹(G), then C Λ ( G ) is a rich subspace of C(G) as well. Concerning quotients, we prove that C ( G ) / C Λ ( G ) has the Daugavet property if Λ is a Rosenthal set, and that L ¹ Λ ( G ) is a poor subspace of L¹(G) if Λ is...

The density condition and the strong dual density condition by operator.

Wolf-Dieter Heinrichs (1997)

Collectanea Mathematica

The aim of the present article is to introduce and investigate topological properties by operator. We obtain good stability properties for the density condition and the strong dual density condition by taking injective tensor products. Further we analyze the connection to (DF)-properties by operator.

The density condition in projective tensor products.

Wolf-Dieter Heinrichs (1999)

Revista Matemática Complutense

In this paper we modify a construction due to J. Taskinen to get a Fréchet space F which satisfies the density condition such that the complete injective tensor product l2 x~eF'b does not satisfy the strong dual density condition of Bierstedt and Bonet. In this way a question that remained open in Heinrichs (1997) is solved.

The density condition in quotients of quasinormable Fréchet spaces

Angela Albanese (1997)

Studia Mathematica

It is proved that a separable Fréchet space is quasinormable if, and only if, every quotient space satisfies the density condition of Heinrich. This answers positively a conjecture of Bonet and Dí az in the class of separable Fréchet spaces.

The density of solenoidal functions and the convergence of a dual finite element method

Ivan Hlaváček (1980)

Aplikace matematiky

A proof is given of the following theorem: infinitely differentiable solenoidal vector - functions are dense in the space of functions, which are solenoidal in the distribution sense only. The theorem is utilized in proving the convergence of a dual finite element procedure for Dirichlet, Neumann and a mixed boundary value problem of a second order elliptic equation.

The density property for JB*-triples

Seán Dineen, Michael Mackey, Pauline Mellon (1999)

Studia Mathematica

We obtain conditions on a JB*-algebra X so that the canonical embedding of X into its associated quasi-invertible manifold has dense range. We prove that if a JB* has this density property then the quasi-invertible manifold is homogeneous for biholomorphic mappings. Explicit formulae for the biholomorphic mappings are also given.

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 1070