A nonlinear operator in potential theory
We construct a complete multiplicatively pseudoconvex algebra with the property announced in the title. This solves Problem 25 of [6].
Let ℳ be a type II₁ von Neumann algebra, τ a trace in ℳ, and L²(ℳ,τ) the GNS Hilbert space of τ. If L²(ℳ,τ)₊ is the completion of the set of selfadjoint elements, then each element ξ ∈ L²(ℳ,τ)₊ gives rise to a selfadjoint unbounded operator on L²(ℳ,τ). In this note we show that the exponential exp: L²(ℳ,τ)₊ → L²(ℳ,τ), , is continuous but not differentiable. The same holds for the Cayley transform . We also show that the unitary group with the strong operator topology is not an embedded submanifold...
In a previous work (1990) we introduced a certain property (y) on locally convex spaces and used it to remove the assumption of separability from the theorem of Bellenot and Dubinsky on the existence of nuclear Köthe quotients of Fréchet spaces. Our purpose is to examine condition (y) further and relate it to some other normability conditions. Some of our results were already announced in Önal (1989).
This paper deals with homeomorphisms F: X → Y, between Banach spaces X and Y, which are of the form where is a continuous (2n+1)-linear operator.
In [6] J. F. Feinstein constructed a compact plane set X such that R(X), the uniform closure of the algebra of rational functions with poles off X, has no non-zero, bounded point derivations but is not weakly amenable. In the same paper he gave an example of a separable uniform algebra A such that every point in the character space of A is a peak point but A is not weakly amenable. We show that it is possible to modify the construction in order to produce examples which are also regular.
The paper analyzes the influence on the meaning of natural growth in the gradient of a perturbation by a Hardy potential in some elliptic equations. Indeed, in the case of the Laplacian the natural problem becomes in , on , . This problem is a particular case of problem (2). Notice that is optimal as coefficient and exponent on the right hand side.