Displaying 41 – 60 of 271

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Bessaga's conjecture in unstable Köthe spaces and products

Zefer Nurlu, Jasser Sarsour (1993)

Studia Mathematica

Let F be a complemented subspace of a nuclear Fréchet space E. If E and F both have (absolute) bases ( e n ) resp. ( f n ) , then Bessaga conjectured (see [2] and for a more general form, also [8]) that there exists an isomorphism of F into E mapping f n to t n e π ( k n ) where ( t n ) is a scalar sequence, π is a permutation of ℕ and ( k n ) is a subsequence of ℕ. We prove that the conjecture holds if E is unstable, i.e. for some base of decreasing zero-neighborhoods ( U n ) consisting of absolutely convex sets one has ∃s ∀p ∃q ∀r l i m n ( d n + 1 ( U q , U p ) ) / ( d n ( U r , U s ) ) = 0 where...

Biduality in (LF)-spaces.

Klaus D. Bierstedt, José Bonet (2001)


En la Sección 1 se pueban resultados abstractos sobre preduales y sobre bidualidad de espacios (LF). Sea E = indn En un espacio (LF), ponemos H = indn Hn para una sucesión de subespacios de Fréchet Hn de En con Hn ⊂ Hn+1. Investigamos bajo qué condiciones el espacio E es canónicamente (topológicamente isomorfo a) el bidual inductivo (H'b)'i o (incluso) al bidual fuerte de H. Los resultados abstractos se aplican en la Sección 2, especialmente a espacios (LF) ponderados de funciones holomorfas, pero...

Biequivalence vector spaces in the alternative set theory

Miroslav Šmíd, Pavol Zlatoš (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

As a counterpart to classical topological vector spaces in the alternative set theory, biequivalence vector spaces (over the field Q of all rational numbers) are introduced and their basic properties are listed. A methodological consequence opening a new view towards the relationship between the algebraic and topological dual is quoted. The existence of various types of valuations on a biequivalence vector space inducing its biequivalence is proved. Normability is characterized in terms of total...

Bounded linear maps between (LF)-spaces.

Angela A. Albanese (2003)


Characterizations of pairs (E,F) of complete (LF)?spaces such that every continuous linear map from E to F maps a 0?neighbourhood of E into a bounded subset of F are given. The case of sequence (LF)?spaces is also considered. These results are similar to the ones due to D. Vogt in the case E and F are Fréchet spaces. The research continues work of J. Bonet, A. Galbis, S. Önal, T. Terzioglu and D. Vogt.

Characterizing Fréchet-Schwartz spaces via power bounded operators

Angela A. Albanese, José Bonet, Werner J. Ricker (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We characterize Köthe echelon spaces (and, more generally, those Fréchet spaces with an unconditional basis) which are Schwartz, in terms of the convergence of the Cesàro means of power bounded operators defined on them. This complements similar known characterizations of reflexive and of Fréchet-Montel spaces with a basis. Every strongly convergent sequence of continuous linear operators on a Fréchet-Schwartz space does so in a special way. We single out this type of "rapid convergence" for a sequence...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 271