Deux essais de généralisation du critère de Grothendieck (compacité faible des ensembles de mesures)
An archimedean vector lattice A might have the following properties: (1) the sigma property (σ): For each there are and a ∈ A with λₙaₙ ≤ a for each n; (2) order convergence and relative uniform convergence are equivalent, denoted (OC ⇒ RUC): if aₙ ↓ 0 then aₙ → 0 r.u. The conjunction of these two is called strongly Egoroff. We consider vector lattices of the form D(X) (all extended real continuous functions on the compact space X) showing that (σ) and (OC ⇒ RUC) are equivalent, and equivalent...