Displaying 181 – 200 of 244

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Rotundity and smoothness of convex bodies in reflexive and nonreflexive spaces

Victor Klee, Libor Veselý, Clemente Zanco (1996)

Studia Mathematica

For combining two convex bodies C and D to produce a third body, two of the most important ways are the operation ∓ of forming the closure of the vector sum C+D and the operation γ̅ of forming the closure of the convex hull of C ⋃ D. When the containing normed linear space X is reflexive, it follows from weak compactness that the vector sum and the convex hull are already closed, and from this it follows that the class of all rotund bodies in X is stable with respect to the operation ∓ and the class...

Sets invariant under projections onto one dimensional subspaces

Simon Fitzpatrick, Bruce Calvert (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The Hahn–Banach theorem implies that if m is a one dimensional subspace of a t.v.s. E , and B is a circled convex body in E , there is a continuous linear projection P onto m with P ( B ) B . We determine the sets B which have the property of being invariant under projections onto lines through 0 subject to a weak boundedness type requirement.

Some characterization of locally nonconical convex sets

Witold Seredyński (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A closed convex set Q in a local convex topological Hausdorff spaces X is called locally nonconical (LNC) if for every x , y Q there exists an open neighbourhood U of x such that ( U Q ) + 1 2 ( y - x ) Q . A set Q is local cylindric (LC) if for x , y Q , x y , z ( x , y ) there exists an open neighbourhood U of z such that U Q (equivalently: b d ( Q ) U ) is a union of open segments parallel to [ x , y ] . In this paper we prove that these two notions are equivalent. The properties LNC and LC were investigated in [3], where the implication L N C L C was proved in general, while...

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 244