Displaying 41 – 60 of 338

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An extension property for Banach spaces

Walden Freedman (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A Banach space X has property (E) if every operator from X into c₀ extends to an operator from X** into c₀; X has property (L) if whenever K ⊆ X is limited in X**, then K is limited in X; X has property (G) if whenever K ⊆ X is Grothendieck in X**, then K is Grothendieck in X. In all of these, we consider X as canonically embedded in X**. We study these properties in connection with other geometric properties, such as the Phillips properties, the Gelfand-Phillips and weak Gelfand-Phillips properties,...

An indecomposable and unconditionally saturated Banach space

Spiros A. Argyros, Antonis Manoussakis (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We construct an indecomposable reflexive Banach space X i u s such that every infinite-dimensional closed subspace contains an unconditional basic sequence. We also show that every operator T ( X i u s ) is of the form λI + S with S a strictly singular operator.

An Isomorphic Classification of C ( 2 × [ 0 , α ] ) Spaces

Elói Medina Galego (2009)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We present an extension of the classical isomorphic classification of the Banach spaces C([0,α]) of all real continuous functions defined on the nondenumerable intervals of ordinals [0,α]. As an application, we establish the isomorphic classification of the Banach spaces C ( 2 × [ 0 , α ] ) of all real continuous functions defined on the compact spaces 2 × [ 0 , α ] , the topological product of the Cantor cubes 2 with smaller than the first sequential cardinal, and intervals of ordinal numbers [0,α]. Consequently, it is relatively...

Analytic Renormings of C(K) Spaces

Hájek, Petr (1996)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

The aim of our present note is to show the strength of the existence of an equivalent analytic renorming of a Banach space, even compared to C∞-Fréchet smooth renormings. It was Haydon who first showed in [8] that C(K) spaces for K countable admit an equivalent C∞-Fréchet smooth norm. Later, in [7] and [9] he introduced a large clams of tree-like (uncountable) compacts K for which C(K) admits an equivalent C∞-Fréchet smooth norm. Recently, it was shown in [3] that C(K) spaces for K countable admit...

Approximation of Lipschitz Mappings

Johanis, Michal (2003)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B03We prove that any Lipschitz mapping from a separable Banach space into any Banach space can be approximated by uniformly Gâteaux differentiable Lipschitz mapping.Supported by grants GAUK 277/2001, GA CR 201-01-1198, AV 101-90-03. This paper is a part of PhD thesis prepared under the supervision of Professor Petr Hájek.

Asplund Functions and Projectional Resolutions of the Identity

Zemek, Martin (2000)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

*Supported by the Grants AV ˇCR 101-97-02, 101-90-03, GA ˇCR 201-98-1449, and by the Grant of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University No. 2003.We further develop the theory of the so called Asplund functions, recently introduced and studied by W. K. Tang. Let f be an Asplund function on a Banach space X. We prove that (i) the subspace Y := sp ∂f(X) has a projectional resolution of the identity, and that (ii) if X is weakly Lindel¨of determined, then X admits a projectional...

Banach spaces of bounded Szlenk index

E. Odell, Th. Schlumprecht, A. Zsák (2007)

Studia Mathematica

For a countable ordinal α we denote by α the class of separable, reflexive Banach spaces whose Szlenk index and the Szlenk index of their dual are bounded by α. We show that each α admits a separable, reflexive universal space. We also show that spaces in the class ω α · ω embed into spaces of the same class with a basis. As a consequence we deduce that each α is analytic in the Effros-Borel structure of subspaces of C[0,1].

Banach spaces of bounded Szlenk index II

D. Freeman, E. Odell, Th. Schlumprecht, A. Zsák (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For every α < ω₁ we establish the existence of a separable Banach space whose Szlenk index is ω α ω + 1 and which is universal for all separable Banach spaces whose Szlenk index does not exceed ω α ω . In order to prove that result we provide an intrinsic characterization of which Banach spaces embed into a space admitting an FDD with Tsirelson type upper estimates.

Banach spaces which admit a norm with the uniform Kadec-Klee property

S. Dilworth, Maria Girardi, Denka Kutzarova (1995)

Studia Mathematica

Several results are established about Banach spaces Ӿ which can be renormed to have the uniform Kadec-Klee property. It is proved that all such spaces have the complete continuity property. We show that the renorming property can be lifted from Ӿ to the Lebesgue-Bochner space L 2 ( Ӿ ) if and only if Ӿ is super-reflexive. A basis characterization of the renorming property for dual Banach spaces is given.

Banach spaces widely complemented in each other

Elói Medina Galego (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Suppose that X and Y are Banach spaces that embed complementably into each other. Are X and Y necessarily isomorphic? In this generality, the answer is no, as proved by W. T. Gowers in 1996. However, if X contains a complemented copy of its square X², then X is isomorphic to Y whenever there exists p ∈ ℕ such that X p can be decomposed into a direct sum of X p - 1 and Y. Motivated by this fact, we introduce the concept of (p,q,r) widely complemented subspaces in Banach spaces, where p,q and r ∈ ℕ. Then,...

Banach spaces with small Calkin algebras

Manuel González (2007)

Banach Center Publications

Let X be a Banach space. Let 𝓐(X) be a closed ideal in the algebra ℒ(X) of the operators acting on X. We say that ℒ(X)/𝓐(X) is a Calkin algebra whenever the Fredholm operators on X coincide with the operators whose class in ℒ(X)/𝓐(X) is invertible. Among other examples, we have the cases in which 𝓐(X) is the ideal of compact, strictly singular, strictly cosingular and inessential operators, and some other ideals introduced as perturbation classes in Fredholm theory. Our aim is to present some...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 338