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(I)-envelopes of unit balls and James' characterization of reflexivity

Ondřej F. K. Kalenda (2007)

Studia Mathematica

We study the (I)-envelopes of the unit balls of Banach spaces. We show, in particular, that any nonreflexive space can be renormed in such a way that the (I)-envelope of the unit ball is not the whole bidual unit ball. Further, we give a simpler proof of James' characterization of reflexivity in the nonseparable case. We also study the spaces in which the (I)-envelope of the unit ball adds nothing.

σ-fragmented Banach spaces II

J. Jayne, I. Namioka, C. Rogers (1994)

Studia Mathematica

Recent papers have investigated the properties of σ-fragmented Banach spaces and have sought to find which Banach spaces are σ-fragmented and which are not. Banach spaces that have a norming M-basis are shown to be σ-fragmented using weakly closed sets. Zizler has shown that Banach spaces satisfying certain conditions have locally uniformly convex norms. Banach spaces that satisfy similar, but weaker conditions are shown to be σ-fragmented. An example, due to R. Pol, is given of a Banach space that...

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