Eigenvalue distribution of integral operators defined by Orlicz kernels.
We determine the asymptotic behavior of the entropy numbers of diagonal operators D: lp → lq, (xk) → (skxk), 0 < p,q ≤ ∞, under mild regularity and decay conditions on the generating sequence (σk). Our results extend the known estimates for polynomial and logarithmic diagonals (σk). Moreover, we also consider some exotic intermediate examples like (σk)=exp(-√log k).
It is shown that for every k ∈ ℕ and every spreading sequence eₙₙ that generates a uniformly convex Banach space E, there exists a uniformly convex Banach space admitting eₙₙ as a k+1-iterated spreading model, but not as a k-iterated one.
It is proved that every operator from a weak*-closed subspace of into a space C(K) of continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space K can be extended to an operator from to C(K).
A class of closed, bounded, convex sets in the Banach space is shown to be a complete PCA set.