Eine Bemerkung zur Division von Distributionen durch analytische Operatorfunktionen.
It is proved that any Banach valued distribution on a bounded set can be extended to all of if and only if it is a derivative of a uniformly continuous function. A similar result is given for distributions on an unbounded set. An example shows that this does not extend to Frechet valued distributions. This relies on the fact that a Banach valued distribution is locally a derivative of a uniformly continuous function. For sake of completeness, a global representation of a Banach valued distribution...
Soit un réel de . Nous étudions le système d’équations de convolution suivantNous démontrons que les exponentielles polynômes solutions de sont denses dans l’espace des solutions du système d’équations; l’idéal de engendré par les transformées de Fourier des deux mesures intervenant ici est “slowly decreasing” au sens de Berenstein-Taylor. Lorsque n’est pas un nombre de Liouville, nous montrons qu’il existe un ouvert relativement compact telle que toute solution distribution de régulière...
MSC 2010: 26A33, 46Fxx, 58C05 Dedicated to 80-th birthday of Prof. Rudolf GorenfloWe generalize the two forms of the fractional derivatives (in Riemann-Liouville and Caputo sense) to spaces of generalized functions using appropriate techniques such as the multiplication of absolutely continuous function by the Heaviside function, and the analytical continuation. As an application, we give the two forms of the fractional derivatives of discontinuous functions in spaces of distributions.