Evolution operators in empathy with a semi-group.
The liner parabolic equation ∂y ∂t − 1 2 Δy + F · ∇ y = 1 x1d4aa; 0 u with Neumann boundary condition on a convex open domain x1d4aa; ⊂ ℝd with smooth boundary is exactly null controllable on each finite interval if 𝒪0is an open subset of x1d4aa; which contains a suitable neighbourhood of the recession cone of x1d4aa; . Here,F : ℝd → ℝd is a bounded, C1-continuous function, and F = ∇g, where g is convex and coercive.
We establish the existence of mild, strong, classical solutions for a class of second order abstract functional differential equations with nonlocal conditions.