Integral manifold of the parabolic differential equation with deviating argument
We characterize surjective nonlinear maps Φ between unital C*-algebras 𝒜 and ℬ that satisfy w(Φ(A)-Φ(B))) = w(A-B) for all A,B ∈ 𝒜 under a mild condition that Φ(I) - Φ(0) belongs to the center of ℬ, where w(A) is the numerical radius of A and I is the unit of 𝒜.
In this paper we deal with the Cauchy problem for differential inclusions governed by -accretive operators in general Banach spaces. We are interested in finding the sufficient conditions for the existence of integral solutions of the problem , , where is an -accretive operator, and is a continuous, but non-compact perturbation, satisfying some additional conditions.
This paper deals with nonlinear feedback stabilization problem of a flexible beam clamped at a rigid body and free at the other end. We assume that there is no damping and the feedback law proposed here consists of a nonlinear control torque applied to the rigid body and either a boundary control moment or a nonlinear boundary control force or both of them applied to the free end of the beam. This nonlinear feedback, which insures the exponential decay of the beam vibrations, extends the linear...