Reelle Jordanalgebren mit endlicher Spur.
For each S ∈ L(E) (with E a Banach space) the operator R(S) ∈ L(E**/E) is defined by R(S)(x** + E) = S**x** + E(x** ∈ E**). We study mapping properties of the correspondence S → R(S), which provides a representation R of the weak Calkin algebra L(E)/W(E) (here W(E) denotes the weakly compact operators on E). Our results display strongly varying behaviour of R. For instance, there are no non-zero compact operators in Im(R) in the case of and C(0,1), but R(L(E)/W(E)) identifies isometrically with...
Let E,F be Banach spaces where F = E’ or vice versa. If F has the approximation property, then the space of nuclearly entire functions of bounded type, , and the space of exponential type functions, Exp(F), form a dual pair. The set of convolution operators on (i.e. the continuous operators that commute with all translations) is formed by the transposes , φ ∈ Exp(F), of the multiplication operators φ :ψ ↦ φ ψ on Exp(F). A continuous operator T on is PDE-preserving for a set ℙ ⊆ Exp(F) if it...