Study of stationary solutions in gene network models by the homotopy method.
In questo lavoro riassumiamo alcuni risultati di una ricerca riguardante le singolarità (punti di non differenziabilità) delle funzioni convesse. Questa ricerca copre vari aspetti, che vanno dalla stima della dimensione di Hausdorff di certi tipi di singolarità fino allo studio della loro propagazione. Studiamo anche problemi di semicontinuità e rilassamento collegati all'area del grafico del gradiente di una funzione convessa e l'esistenza dei determinanti, in senso debole, dei minori della matrice...
We survey recent results on the mathematical modeling of nonconvex and nonsmooth contact problems arising in mechanics and engineering. The approach to such problems is based on the notions of an operator subdifferential inclusion and a hemivariational inequality, and focuses on three aspects. First we report on results on the existence and uniqueness of solutions to subdifferential inclusions. Then we discuss two classes of quasi-static hemivariational ineqaulities, and finally, we present ideas...
The paper contains calculus rules for coderivatives of compositions, sums and intersections of set-valued mappings. The types of coderivatives considered correspond to Dini-Hadamard and limiting Dini-Hadamard subdifferentials in Gˆateaux differentiable spaces, Fréchet and limiting Fréchet subdifferentials in Asplund spaces and approximate subdifferentials in arbitrary Banach spaces. The key element of the unified approach to obtaining various calculus rules for various types of derivatives presented...
* This work was completed while the author was visiting the University of Limoges. Support from the laboratoire “Analyse non-linéaire et Optimisation” is gratefully acknowledged.The author recently introduced a regularity assumption for derivatives of set-valued mappings, in order to obtain first order necessary conditions of optimality, in some generalized sense, for nondifferentiable control problems governed by variational inequalities. It was noticed that this regularity assumption can be...
We study multiobjective optimization problems with γ-paraconvex multifunction data. Sufficient optimality conditions for unconstrained and constrained problems are given in terms of contingent derivatives.
In this paper sufficient second order optimality conditions for optimal control problems subject to stationary variational inequalities of obstacle type are derived. Since optimality conditions for such problems always involve measures as Lagrange multipliers, which impede the use of efficient Newton type methods, a family of regularized problems is introduced. Second order sufficient optimality conditions are derived for the regularized problems...
In this paper sufficient second order optimality conditions for optimal control problems subject to stationary variational inequalities of obstacle type are derived. Since optimality conditions for such problems always involve measures as Lagrange multipliers, which impede the use of efficient Newton type methods, a family of regularized problems is introduced. Second order sufficient optimality conditions are derived for the regularized problems...
We study optimal control problems for partial differential equations (focusing on the multidimensional differential equation) with control functions in the Dirichlet boundary conditions under pointwise control (and we admit state - by assuming weak hypotheses) constraints.
Si studia il problema di contatto tra due piastre sottili linearmente elastiche, incastrate al bordo, poste inizialmente a distanza e trasversalmente caricate. Si fa l'ipotesi che il contatto tra le due piastre, a deformazione avvenuta, sia privo di attrito. Il problema dell'equilibrio elastico è formulato per via variazionale in termini di lavori virtuali o, equivalentemente, di minimo del funzionale dell'energia. Il quadro analitico di riferimento è quello della teoria delle disequazioni variazionali...