A note on the trajectories of a class of hereditary systems
In the 1950’s and 1960’s surface physicists/metallurgists such as Herring and Mullins applied ingenious thermodynamic arguments to explain a number of experimentally observed surface phenomena in crystals. These insights permitted the successful engineering of a large number of alloys, where the major mathematical novelty was that the surface response to external stress was anisotropic. By examining step/terrace (vicinal) surface defects it was discovered through lengthy and tedious experiments...
In the 1950's and 1960's surface physicists/metallurgists such as Herring and Mullins applied ingenious thermodynamic arguments to explain a number of experimentally observed surface phenomena in crystals. These insights permitted the successful engineering of a large number of alloys, where the major mathematical novelty was that the surface response to external stress was anisotropic. By examining step/terrace (vicinal) surface defects it was discovered through lengthy and tedious experiments...
La programación lineal sobre subconjuntos difusos, definida por Zimmermann, se desarrolla en estrecha relación con la definición de las funciones pertinentes funciones de pertenencia. Se estudia la dualidad difusa, ligada a la dualidad en los problemas de programación lineal con multicriterios.