Instabile Flächen vorgeschriebener mittlerer Krümmung.
We consider several explicit examples of solutions of the differential equation Φ₁’²(z) + Φ₂’²(z) + Φ₃’²(z) = d²(z) of meromorphic curves in ℂ³ with preset infinitesimal arclength function d(z) by nonlinear differential operators of the form (f,h,d) → V(f,h,d), V = (Φ₁,Φ₂,Φ₃), whose arguments are triples consisting of a meromorphic function f, a meromorphic vector field h, and a meromorphic differential 1-form d on an open set U ⊂ ℂ or, more general, on a Riemann surface Σ. Most of them are natural...