... Minimizing Currents.
We show how to capture the gradient concentration of the solutions of Dirichlet-type problems subjected to large sources of order concentrated on an -neighborhood of a hypersurface of the domain. To this end we define the gradient Young-concentration measures generated by sequences of finite energy and establish a very simple characterization of these measures.
We show how to capture the gradient concentration of the solutions of Dirichlet-type problems subjected to large sources of order concentrated on an ε-neighborhood of a hypersurface of the domain. To this end we define the gradient Young-concentration measures generated by sequences of finite energy and establish a very simple characterization of these measures.
For vector valued maps, convergence in and of all minors of the Jacobian matrix in is equivalent to convergence weakly in the sense of currents and in area for graphs. We show that maps defined on domains of dimension can be approximated strongly in this sense by smooth maps if and only if the same property holds for the restriction to a.e. 2-dimensional plane intersecting the domain.
We analyze a nonlinear discrete scheme depending on second-order finite differences. This is the two-dimensional analog of a scheme which in one dimension approximates a free-discontinuity energy proposed by Blake and Zisserman as a higher-order correction of the Mumford and Shah functional. In two dimension we give a compactness result showing that the continuous problem approximating this difference scheme is still defined on special functions with bounded hessian, and we give an upper and a lower...
We analyze a nonlinear discrete scheme depending on second-order finite differences. This is the two-dimensional analog of a scheme which in one dimension approximates a free-discontinuity energy proposed by Blake and Zisserman as a higher-order correction of the Mumford and Shah functional. In two dimension we give a compactness result showing that the continuous problem approximating this difference scheme is still defined on special functions...
In the present paper, we motivate and describe a numerical approach in order to detect the creation of fractures in a facet of a crystal evolving by anisotropic mean curvature. The result appears to be in accordance with the known examples of facet-breaking. Graphical simulations are included.
We study the gradient flow of the L2−norm of the second fundamental form for smooth immersions of two-dimensional surfaces into compact Riemannian manifolds. By analogy with the results obtained in [10] and [11] for the Willmore flow, we prove lifespan estimates in terms of the L2−concentration of the second fundamental form of the initial data and we show the existence of blowup limits. Under special condition both on the initial data and on the target manifold, we prove a long time existence result...
Let m,n be positive integers such that m < n and let G(n,m) be the Grassmann manifold of all m-dimensional subspaces of ℝⁿ. For V ∈ G(n,m) let denote the orthogonal projection from ℝⁿ onto V. The following characterization of purely unrectifiable sets holds. Let A be an -measurable subset of ℝⁿ with . Then A is purely m-unrectifiable if and only if there exists a null subset Z of the universal bundle such that, for all P ∈ A, one has . One can replace “for all P ∈ A” by “for -a.e. P ∈...
We provide an approximation of Mather variational problem by finite dimensional minimization problems in the framework of Γ-convergence. By a linear programming interpretation as done in [Evans and Gomes, ESAIM: COCV 8 (2002) 693–702] we state a duality theorem for the Mather problem, as well a finite dimensional approximation for the dual problem.
The duality theory for the Monge-Kantorovich transport problem is analyzed in a general setting. The spaces X,Y are assumed to be Polish and equipped with Borel probability measures μ and ν. The transport cost function c: X × Y → [0,∞] is assumed to be Borel. Our main result states that in this setting there is no duality gap provided...