Displaying 81 – 100 of 453

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Combinatorial and group-theoretic compactifications of buildings

Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace, Jean Lécureux (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let X be a building of arbitrary type. A compactification 𝒞 sph ( X ) of the set Res sph ( X ) of spherical residues of X is introduced. We prove that it coincides with the horofunction compactification of Res sph ( X ) endowed with a natural combinatorial distance which we call the root-distance. Points of 𝒞 sph ( X ) admit amenable stabilisers in Aut ( X ) and conversely, any amenable subgroup virtually fixes a point in 𝒞 sph ( X ) . In addition, it is shown that, provided Aut ( X ) is transitive enough, this compactification also coincides with the group-theoretic...

Complète réductibilité

Jean-Pierre Serre (2003/2004)

Séminaire Bourbaki

La notion de complète réductibilité d’une représentation linéaire Γ 𝐆𝐋 n peut se définir en termes de l’action de Γ sur l’immeuble de Tits de 𝐆𝐋 n . Cela suggère une notion analogue pour tous les immeubles sphériques, et donc aussi pour tous les groupes réductifs. On verra comment cette notion se traduit en termes topologiques et quelles applications on peut en tirer.

Construction of Optimal Linear Codes by Geometric Puncturing

Maruta, Tatsuya (2013)

Serdica Journal of Computing

Dedicated to the memory of S.M. Dodunekov (1945–2012)Abstract. Geometric puncturing is a method to construct new codes. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): E.4.∗This research was partially supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science under Contract Number 24540138.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 453