O styku variet v afinním lineárním prostoru
We prove Obata’s rigidity theorem for metric measure spaces that satisfy a Riemannian curvaturedimension condition. Additionally,we show that a lower bound K for the generalizedHessian of a sufficiently regular function u holds if and only if u is K-convex. A corollary is also a rigidity result for higher order eigenvalues.
We extend the constructions and results of Damian to get topological obstructions to the existence of closed monotone Lagrangian embeddings into the cotangent bundle of a space which is the total space of a fibration over the circle.
Two symplectic structures on a manifold determine a (1,1)-tensor field on . In this paper we study some properties of this field. Conversely, if is (1,1)-tensor field on a symplectic manifold then using the natural lift theory we find conditions under which , is symplectic.
In questo lavoro si danno alcuni risultati sugli spettri degli operatori di Laplace per varietà Riemanniane compatte con curvatura scalare positiva e di dimensione . Ad essi si aggiunge una osservazione riguardante la congettura di Yamabe.