O kružnici křivosti
A regular normal parabolic geometry of type on a manifold gives rise to sequences of invariant differential operators, known as the curved version of the BGG resolution. These sequences are constructed from the normal covariant derivative on the corresponding tractor bundle , where is the normal Cartan connection. The first operator in the sequence is overdetermined and it is well known that yields the prolongation of this operator in the homogeneous case . Our first main result...
We develop an algebraic version of Cartan’s method of equivalence or an analog of Tanaka prolongation for the (extrinsic) geometry of curves of flags of a vector space W with respect to the action of a subgroup G of GL(W). Under some natural assumptions on the subgroup G and on the flags, one can pass from the filtered objects to the corresponding graded objects and describe the construction of canonical bundles of moving frames for these curves in the language of pure linear algebra. The scope...