-spaces and -spaces.
Following Preuss' general connectedness theory in topological categories, a connectedness concept for approach spaces is introduced, which unifies topological connectedness in the setting of topological spaces, and Cantor-connectedness in the setting of metric spaces.
The main goal of the present paper is to unify two commonly used models of directed spaces: d-spaces and streams. To achieve this, we provide certain "goodness" conditions for d-spaces and streams. Then we prove that the categories of good d-spaces and good streams are isomorphic. Next, we prove that the category of good d-spaces is complete, cocomplete, and cartesian closed (assuming we restrict to compactly generated weak Hausdorff spaces). The category of good d-spaces is large enough to contain...
Fréchet, strongly Fréchet, productively Fréchet, weakly bisequential and bisequential filters (i.e., neighborhood filters in spaces of the same name) are characterized in a unified manner in terms of their images in the Stone space of ultrafilters. These characterizations involve closure structures on the set of ultrafilters. The case of productively Fréchet filters answers a question of S. Dolecki and turns out to be the only one involving a non topological closure structure.
It is shown that the construct of supertopological spaces and continuous maps is topological.