Refinable maps
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 46E15, 54C55; Secondary 28B20.For weakly compact subsets of Hilbert spaces K, we study the existence of totally disconnected spaces L, such that C(K) is isomorphic to C(L). We prove that the space C(BH ) admits a Pełczyński decomposition and we provide a starshaped weakly compact K, subset of BH with non-empty interior in the norm topology, and such that C(K) ~= C(L) with L totally disconnected.Research partially supported by EPEAEK program “Pythagoras”....
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54C55, 54H25, 55M20.We introduce the class of algebraic ANRs. It is defined by replacing continuous maps by chain mappings in Lefschetz’s characterization of ANRs. To a large extent, the theory of algebraic ANRs parallels the classical theory of ANRs. Every ANR is an algebraic ANR, but the class of algebraic ANRs is much larger; the most striking difference between these classes is that every locally equiconnected metrisable space is an algebraic ANR, whereas...