On upper and lower weakly -continuous multifunctions.
The spaces for which each -continuous function can be extended to a -small point-open l.s.cṁultifunction (resp. point-closed u.s.cṁultifunction) are studied. Some sufficient conditions and counterexamples are given.
An open continuous map f from a space X onto a paracompact C-space Y admits two disjoint closed sets F₀,F₁ ⊂ X with f(F₀) = Y = f(F₁), provided all fibers of f are infinite and C*-embedded in X. Applications are given to the existence of "disjoint" usco multiselections of set-valued l.s.c. mappings defined on paracompact C-spaces, and to special type of factorizations of open continuous maps from metrizable spaces onto paracompact C-spaces. This settles several open questions.