Displaying 21 – 40 of 2507

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A characterization of regular averaging operators and its consequences

Spiros A. Argyros, Alexander D. Arvanitakis (2002)

Studia Mathematica

We present a characterization of continuous surjections, between compact metric spaces, admitting a regular averaging operator. Among its consequences, concrete continuous surjections from the Cantor set 𝓒 to [0,1] admitting regular averaging operators are exhibited. Moreover we show that the set of this type of continuous surjections from 𝓒 to [0,1] is dense in the supremum norm in the set of all continuous surjections. The non-metrizable case is also investigated. As a consequence, we obtain...

A characterization of ω-limit sets for piecewise monotone maps of the interval

Andrew D. Barwell (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For a piecewise monotone map f on a compact interval I, we characterize the ω-limit sets that are bounded away from the post-critical points of f. If the pre-critical points of f are dense, for example when f is locally eventually onto, and Λ ⊂ I is closed, invariant and contains no post-critical point, then Λ is the ω-limit set of a point in I if and only if Λ is internally chain transitive in the sense of Hirsch, Smith and Zhao; the proof relies upon symbolic dynamics. By identifying points of...

A cohomological index of Fuller type for parameterized set-valued maps in normed spaces

Robert Skiba (2014)

Open Mathematics

We construct a cohomological index of the Fuller type for set-valued flows in normed linear spaces satisfying the properties of existence, excision, additivity, homotopy and topological invariance. In particular, the constructed index detects periodic orbits and stationary points of set-valued dynamical systems, i.e., those generated by differential inclusions. The basic methods to calculate the index are also presented.

A connection between multiplication in C(X) and the dimension of X

Andrzej Komisarski (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let X be a compact Hausdorff topological space. We show that multiplication in the algebra C(X) is open iff dim X < 1. On the other hand, the existence of non-empty open sets U,V ⊂ C(X) satisfying Int(U· V) = ∅ is equivalent to dim X > 1. The preimage of every set of the first category in C(X) under the multiplication map is of the first category in C(X) × C(X) iff dim X ≤ 1.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 2507