-compactness modulo an ideal.
For a space Z let 𝒦(Z) denote the partially ordered set of all compact subspaces of Z under set inclusion. If X is a compact space, Δ is the diagonal in X², and 𝒦(X²∖Δ) has calibre (ω₁,ω), then X is metrizable. There is a compact space X such that X²∖Δ has relative calibre (ω₁,ω) in 𝒦(X²∖Δ), but which is not metrizable. Questions of Cascales et al. (2011) concerning order constraints on 𝒦(A) for every subspace of a space X are answered.
Let (α) denote the class of all cardinal sequences of length α associated with compact scattered spaces (or equivalently, superatomic Boolean algebras). Also put . We show that f ∈ (α) iff for some natural number n there are infinite cardinals and ordinals such that and where each . Under GCH we prove that if α < ω₂ then (i) ; (ii) if λ > cf(λ) = ω, ; (iii) if cf(λ) = ω₁, ; (iv) if cf(λ) > ω₁, . This yields a complete characterization of the classes (α) for all α < ω₂,...
Realcompact spaces can be characterized as limits of approximate inverse systems of Polish polyhedra.
In some sense, a dual property to that of Valdivia compact is considered, namely the property to be embedded as a closed subspace into a complement of a -subproduct of a Tikhonov cube. All locally compact spaces are co-Valdivia spaces (and only those among metrizable spaces or spaces having countable type). There are paracompact non-locally compact co-Valdivia spaces. A possibly new type of ultrafilters lying in between P-ultrafilters and weak P-ultrafilters is introduced. Under Martin axiom and...
Let us denote by the statement that , i.e. the Baire space of weight , has a coloring with colors such that every homeomorphic copy of the Cantor set in picks up all the colors. We call a space -regular if it is Hausdorff and for every nonempty open set in there is a nonempty open set such that . We recall that a space is called feebly compact if...
We provide examples of nonseparable compact spaces with the property that any continuous image which is homeomorphic to a finite product of spaces has a maximal prescribed number of nonseparable factors.
It is well-known that compacta (i.e. compact Hausdorff spaces) are maximally resolvable, that is every compactum contains many pairwise disjoint dense subsets, where denotes the minimum size of a non-empty open set in . The aim of this note is to prove the following analogous result: Every compactum contains many pairwise disjoint -dense subsets, where denotes the minimum size of a non-empty set in .
A bounded closed convex set K in a Banach space X is said to have quasi-normal structure if each bounded closed convex subset H of K for which diam(H) > 0 contains a point u for which ∥u-x∥ < diam(H) for each x ∈ H. It is shown that if the convex sets on the unit sphere in X satisfy this condition (which is much weaker than the assumption that convex sets on the unit sphere are separable), then relative to various weak topologies, the unit ball in X is compact whenever it is countably compact....