Displaying 21 – 40 of 1977

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A compact ccc non-separable space from a Hausdorff gap and Martin's Axiom

Murray G. Bell (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We answer a question of I. Juhasz by showing that MA + ¬ CH does not imply that every compact ccc space of countable π -character is separable. The space constructed has the additional property that it does not map continuously onto I ω 1 .

A compact Hausdorff topology that is a T₁-complement of itself

Dmitri Shakhmatov, Michael Tkachenko (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Topologies τ₁ and τ₂ on a set X are called T₁-complementary if τ₁ ∩ τ₂ = X∖F: F ⊆ X is finite ∪ ∅ and τ₁∪τ₂ is a subbase for the discrete topology on X. Topological spaces ( X , τ X ) and ( Y , τ Y ) are called T₁-complementary provided that there exists a bijection f: X → Y such that τ X and f - 1 ( U ) : U τ Y are T₁-complementary topologies on X. We provide an example of a compact Hausdorff space of size 2 which is T₁-complementary to itself ( denotes the cardinality of the continuum). We prove that the existence of a compact Hausdorff...

A -compactifications and A -weight of Alexandroff spaces

A. Caterino, G. Dimov, M. C. Vipera (2002)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

The paper is devoted to the study of the ordered set A K X , α of all, up to equivalence, A -compactifications of an Alexandroff space X , α . The notion of A -weight (denoted by a w X , α ) of an Alexandroff space X , α is introduced and investigated. Using results in ([7]) and ([5]), lattice properties of A K X , α and A K α w X , α are studied, where A K α w X , α is the set of all, up to equivalence, A -compactifications Y of X , α for which w Y = a w X , α . A characterization of the families of bounded functions generating an A -compactification of X , α is obtained. The notion...

A compactness result in thin-film micromagnetics and the optimality of the Néel wall

Radu Ignat, Felix Otto (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

In this paper, we study a model for the magnetization in thin ferromagnetic films. It comes as a variational problem for S 1 -valued maps m ' (the magnetization) of two variables x ' : E ε ( m ' ) = ε | ' · m ' | 2 d x ' + 1 2 | ' | - 1 / 2 ' · m ' 2 d x ' . We are interested in the behavior of minimizers as ε 0 . They are expected to be S 1 -valued maps m ' of vanishing distributional divergence ' · m ' = 0 , so that appropriate boundary conditions enforce line discontinuities. For finite ε > 0 , these line discontinuities are approximated by smooth transition layers, the so-called Néel walls. Néel...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 1977