A hedgehog in a product
Let G(X) denote the smallest (von Neumann) regular ring of real-valued functions with domain X that contains C(X), the ring of continuous real-valued functions on a Tikhonov topological space (X,τ). We investigate when G(X) coincides with the ring of continuous real-valued functions on the space , where is the smallest Tikhonov topology on X for which and is von Neumann regular. The compact and metric spaces for which are characterized. Necessary, and different sufficient, conditions...
A space is functionally countable if is countable for any continuous function . We will call a space exponentially separable if for any countable family of closed subsets of , there exists a countable set such that whenever and . Every exponentially separable space is functionally countable; we will show that for some nice classes of spaces exponential separability coincides with functional countability. We will also establish that the class of exponentially separable spaces has...
We show that every Lipschitz map defined on an open subset of the Banach space C(K), where K is a scattered compactum, with values in a Banach space with the Radon-Nikodym property, has a point of Fréchet differentiability. This is a strengthening of the result of Lindenstrauss and Preiss who proved that for countable compacta. As a consequence of the above and a result of Arvanitakis we prove that Lipschitz functions on certain function spaces are Gâteaux differentiable.
In this note, we show that if for any transitive neighborhood assignment for there is a point-countable refinement such that for any non-closed subset of there is some such that , then is transitively . As a corollary, if is a sequential space and has a point-countable -network then is transitively , and hence if is a Hausdorff -space and has a point-countable -network, then is transitively . We prove that if is a countably compact sequential space and has a point-countable...
A rigid space is a topological vector space whose endomorphisms are all simply scalar multiples of the identity map. The first complete rigid space was published in 1981 in [2]. Clearly a rigid space is a trivial-dual space, and admits no compact endomorphisms. In this paper a modification of the original construction results in a rigid space which is, however, the domain space of a compact operator, answering a question that was first raised soon after the existence of complete rigid spaces was...