A characterization of point semiuniformities.
We construct a Hausdorff topological group such that is a precalibre of (hence, has countable cellularity), all countable subsets of are closed and -embedded in , but is not -factorizable. This solves Problem 8.6.3 from the book “Topological Groups and Related Structures" (2008) in the negative.
We construct a space having the properties in the title, and with the same technique, a countably compact topological group which is not absolutely countably compact.
We show that every compact connected group is the limit of a continuous inverse sequence, in the category of compact groups, where each successor bonding map is either an epimorphism with finite kernel or the projection from a product by a simple compact Lie group. As an application, we present a proof of an unpublished result of Charles Mills from 1978: every compact group is supercompact.
Under 𝔭 = 𝔠, we prove that it is possible to endow the free abelian group of cardinality 𝔠 with a group topology that makes its square countably compact. This answers a question posed by Madariaga-Garcia and Tomita and by Tkachenko. We also prove that there exists a Wallace semigroup (i.e., a countably compact both-sided cancellative topological semigroup which is not a topological group) whose square is countably compact. This answers a question posed by Grant.
Let G be a paratopological group. Then G is said to be pseudobounded (resp. ω-pseudobounded) if for every neighbourhood V of the identity e in G, there exists a natural number n such that G = Vn (resp.we have G = ∪ n∈N Vn). We show that every feebly compact (2-pseudocompact) pseudobounded (ω-pseudobounded) premeager paratopological group is a topological group. Also,we prove that if G is a totally ω-pseudobounded paratopological group such that G is a Lusin space, then is G a topological group....
In this note we first give a summary that on property of a remainder of a non-locally compact topological group in a compactification makes the remainder and the topological group all separable and metrizable. If a non-locally compact topological group has a compactification such that the remainder of belongs to , then and are separable and metrizable, where is a class of spaces which satisfies the following conditions: (1) if , then every compact subset of the space is a...
Given a topological property (or a class) , the class dual to (with respect to neighbourhood assignments) consists of spaces such that for any neighbourhood assignment there is with and . The spaces from are called dually . We continue the study of this duality which constitutes a development of an idea of E. van Douwen used to define -spaces. We prove a number of results on duals of some general classes of spaces establishing, in particular, that any generalized ordered space...
Answering a 1982 question of Sidney A. Morris, we construct a topological group G and a subspace X such that (i) G is algebraically free over X, (ii) G is relatively free over X, that is, every continuous mapping from X to G extends to a unique continuous endomorphism of G, and (iii) G is not a varietal free topological group on X in any variety of topological groups.
In 1990, Comfort asked Question 477 in the survey book “Open Problems in Topology”: Is there, for every (not necessarily infinite) cardinal number , a topological group G such that is countably compact for all cardinals γ < α, but is not countably compact? Hart and van Mill showed in 1991 that α = 2 answers this question affirmatively under . Recently, Tomita showed that every finite cardinal answers Comfort’s question in the affirmative, also from . However, the question has remained...
We study a class of abelian groups that can be defined as Polish pro-countable groups, as non-archimedean groups with a compatible two-sided invariant metric or as quasi-countable groups, i.e., closed subdirect products of countable discrete groups, endowed with the product topology. We show that for every non-locally compact, abelian quasi-countable group G there exists a closed L ≤ G and a closed, non-locally compact K ≤ G/L which is a direct product of discrete countable groups....
In this paper, we generalize Vaughan's and Bonanzinga's results on absolute countable compactness of product spaces and give an example of a separable, countably compact, topological group which is not absolutely countably compact. The example answers questions of Matveev [8, Question 1] and Vaughan [9, Question (1)].
We prove that any topological group of a non-measurable cardinality is hereditarily paracompact and strongly σ-discrete as soon as it is submaximal. Consequently, such a group is zero-dimensional. Examples of uncountable maximal separable spaces are constructed in ZFC.
Let G be a countably infinite group. We show that for every finite absolute coretract S, there is a regular left invariant topology on G whose ultrafilter semigroup is isomorphic to S. As consequences we prove that (1) there is a right maximal idempotent in βG∖G which is not strongly right maximal, and (2) for each combination of the properties of being extremally disconnected, irresolvable, and nodec, except for the combination (-,-,+), there is a corresponding regular almost maximal left invariant...