A Remark on the Topological Entropy of Homeomorphisms.
We study best approximation in -normed spaces via a general common fixed point principle. Our results unify and extend some known results of Carbone [ca:pt], Dotson [do:bs], Jungck and Sessa [ju:at], Singh [si:at] and many of others.
In 1990, Comfort asked Question 477 in the survey book “Open Problems in Topology”: Is there, for every (not necessarily infinite) cardinal number , a topological group G such that is countably compact for all cardinals γ < α, but is not countably compact? Hart and van Mill showed in 1991 that α = 2 answers this question affirmatively under . Recently, Tomita showed that every finite cardinal answers Comfort’s question in the affirmative, also from . However, the question has remained...
It is proved that the class of separable Rosenthal compacta on the Cantor set having a uniformly bounded dense sequence of continuous functions is strongly bounded.
In this survey article we start from the famous Furstenberg theorem on non-lacunary semigroups of integers, and next we present its generalizations and some related results.