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F σ -mappings and the invariance of absolute Borel classes

Petr Holický, Jiří Spurný (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is proved that F σ -mappings preserve absolute Borel classes, which improves results of R. W. Hansell, J. E. Jayne and C. A. Rogers. The proof is based on the fact that any F σ -mapping f: X → Y of an absolute Suslin metric space X onto an absolute Suslin metric space Y becomes a piecewise perfect mapping when restricted to a suitable F σ -set X X satisfying f ( X ) = Y .

Finite union of H-sets and countable compact sets

Sylvain Kahane (1993)

Colloquium Mathematicae

In [2], D. E. Grow and M. Insall construct a countable compact set which is not the union of two H-sets. We make precise this result in two directions, proving such a set may be, but need not be, a finite union of H-sets. Descriptive set theory tools like Cantor-Bendixson ranks are used; they are developed in the book of A. S. Kechris and A. Louveau [6]. Two proofs are presented; the first one is elementary while the second one is more general and useful. Using the last one I prove in my thesis,...

Finite-to-one continuous s-covering mappings

Alexey Ostrovsky (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The following theorem is proved. Let f: X → Y be a finite-to-one map such that the restriction f | f - 1 ( S ) is an inductively perfect map for every countable compact set S ⊂ Y. Then Y is a countable union of closed subsets Y i such that every restriction f | f - 1 ( Y i ) is an inductively perfect map.

Fixed and coincidence points of hybrid mappings

H. K. Pathak, M. S. Khan (2002)

Archivum Mathematicum

The purpose of this note is to provide a substantial improvement and appreciable generalizations of recent results of Beg and Azam; Pathak, Kang and Cho; Shiau, Tan and Wong; Singh and Mishra.

Fixed point and continuation results for contractions in metric and gauge spaces

M. Frigon (2007)

Banach Center Publications

We present an overview of generalizations of Banach's fixed point theorem and continuation results for contractions, i.e., results establishing that the existence of a fixed point is preserved by suitable homotopies. We will consider single-valued and multi-valued contractions in metric and in gauge spaces.

Fixed point and multidimensional fixed point theorems with applications to nonlinear matrix equations in terms of weak altering distance functions

Kanokwan Sawangsup, Wutiphol Sintunavarat (2017)

Open Mathematics

The aim of this work is to introduce the notion of weak altering distance functions and prove new fixed point theorems in metric spaces endowed with a transitive binary relation by using weak altering distance functions. We give some examples which support our main results where previous results in literature are not applicable. Then the main results of the paper are applied to the multidimensional fixed point results. As an application, we apply our main results to study a nonlinear matrix equation....

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