A Spectral Sequence Concerning the Double Suspension.
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Paul Selick (1981)
Inventiones mathematicae
Christophe Cazanave (2012)
Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure
Let be a field. We compute the set ofnaivehomotopy classes of pointed -scheme endomorphisms of the projective line . Our result compares well with Morel’s computation in [11] of thegroup of -homotopy classes of pointed endomorphisms of : the set admits an a priori monoid structure such that the canonical map is a group completion.
Ulrich Koschorke (2006)
Archivum Mathematicum
This paper centers around two basic problems of topological coincidence theory. First, try to measure (with the help of Nielsen and minimum numbers) how far a given pair of maps is from being loose, i.e. from being homotopic to a pair of coincidence free maps. Secondly, describe the set of loose pairs of homotopy classes. We give a brief (and necessarily very incomplete) survey of some old and new advances concerning the first problem. Then we attack the second problem mainly in the setting of homotopy...
Larry Smith (1978)
Manuscripta mathematica
Harald Hefter (1982)
Inventiones mathematicae
Larry Smith, Raphael Zahler (1972)
Mathematische Zeitschrift
Dietmar Arlt (1971)
Manuscripta mathematica
Ulrich Koschorke, Brian Sanderson (1977)
Mathematica Scandinavica
K.Y. Lam, P.Y.H. Yiu (1989)
Mathematische Annalen
Dale Husemoller (1979/1980)
Séminaire Bourbaki
Ulrich Koschorke (1990)
Mathematische Annalen
Peter Hilton, Roger Fenn (1992)
Forum mathematicum
Davis, Donald M. (2003)
Homology, Homotopy and Applications
Ulrich Koschorke (2009)
Banach Center Publications
Basic examples show that coincidence theory is intimately related to central subjects of differential topology and homotopy theory such as Kervaire invariants and divisibility properties of Whitehead products and of Hopf invariants. We recall some recent results and ask a few questions which seem to be important for a more comprehensive understanding.
Xu, Senlin, Lv, Jinchi (2003)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Katsumi Shimomura (1995)
Forum mathematicum
Wen-Hsiung Lin (1994)
Forum mathematicum
Mahowald, Mark (1998)
Documenta Mathematica
Donald M. Davis, Mark Mahowald (1990)
Mathematische Zeitschrift
В.М. Нежинский (1983)
Sibirskij matematiceskij zurnal
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