Homotopy transition cocycles.
On donne une construction géométrique d’invariants généralisant la classe de Maslov-Arnold d’une immersion lagrangienne dans un fibré cotangent et l’indice de Maslov-Arnold-Leray d’une immersion lagrangienne -orientée dans : la classe de Maslov-Arnold universelle d’un fibré symplectique et l’indice de Maslov-Arnold-Leray d’un fibré -symplectique, c’est-à-dire dont le groupe structural est le revêtement à feuillets de . Tout ceci relève d’une situation géométrique générale dans laquelle s’introduisent...
This note is based on the lectures that I have given during the winter school Winter Braids IV, School on algebraic and topological aspects of braid groups held in Dijon on 10 - 13 February 2014. The aim of series of three lectures was to give an overview of geometrical and topological properties of 4-dimensional Lefschetz fibrations. Meanwhile, I could briefly introduce real Lefschetz fibrations, fibrations which have certain symmetry, and could present some interesting features of them.This note...
In this paper we introduce a class of maps possessing a multivalued homotopy lifting property with respect to every topological space. We call these maps multifibrations and they represent a formally stronger concept than that of shape fibration. Multifibrations have the interesting property of being characterized in a completely intrinsic way by a path lifting property involving only the total and the base space of the fibration. We also show that multifibrations (and also, with some restrictions,...
Let ξ = (E, p, B, F) be a Hurewicz fibration. In this paper we study the space LG(ξ) consisting of fibre homotopy self equivalences of ξ inducing by restriction to the fibre a self homotopy equivalence of F belonging to the group G. We give in particular conditions implying that π1(LG(ξ)) is finitely generated or that L1(ξ) has the same rational homotopy type as aut1(F).