Centers and finite coverings of finite loop spaces.
In this paper integer cohomology rings of Artin groups associated with exceptional groups are determined. Computations have been carried out by using an effective method for calculation of cup product in cellular cohomology which we introduce here. Actually, our method works in general for any finite regular complex with identifications, the regular complex being geometrically realized by a compact orientable manifold, possibly with boundary.
Our point of departure is J. Neisendorfer's localization theorem which reveals a subtle connection between some simply connected finite complexes and their connected covers. We show that even though the connected covers do not forget that they came from a finite complex their homotopy-theoretic properties are drastically different from those of finite complexes. For instance, connected covers of finite complexes may have uncountable genus or nontrivial SNT sets, their Lusternik-Schnirelmann category...