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Hyperspaces of Finite Sets in Universal Spaces for Absolute Borel Classes

Kotaro Mine, Katsuro Sakai, Masato Yaguchi (2005)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

By Fin(X) (resp. F i n k ( X ) ), we denote the hyperspace of all non-empty finite subsets of X (resp. consisting of at most k points) with the Vietoris topology. Let ℓ₂(τ) be the Hilbert space with weight τ and f ( τ ) the linear span of the canonical orthonormal basis of ℓ₂(τ). It is shown that if E = f ( τ ) or E is an absorbing set in ℓ₂(τ) for one of the absolute Borel classes α ( τ ) and α ( τ ) of weight ≤ τ (α > 0) then Fin(E) and each F i n k ( E ) are homeomorphic to E. More generally, if X is a connected E-manifold then Fin(X) is homeomorphic...

Hyperspaces of Peano continua of euclidean spaces

Helma Gladdines, Jan van Mill (1993)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

If X is a space then L(X) denotes the subspace of C(X) consisting of all Peano (sub)continua. We prove that for n ≥ 3 the space L ( n ) is homeomorphic to B , where B denotes the pseudo-boundary of the Hilbert cube Q.

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