Effectiveness - non effectiveness in semialgebraic and PL geometry.
For smooth knottings of compact (not necessarily orientable) n-dimensional manifolds in (or ), we generalize the notion of knot moves to higher dimensions. This reproves and generalizes the Reidemeister moves of classical knot theory. We show that for any dimension there is a finite set of elementary isotopies, called moves, so that any isotopy is equivalent to a finite sequence of these moves.
For any collection of graphs we find the minimal dimension d such that the product is embeddable into (see Theorem 1 below). In particular, we prove that (K₅)ⁿ and are not embeddable into , where K₅ and are the Kuratowski graphs. This is a solution of a problem of Menger from 1929. The idea of the proof is a reduction to a problem from so-called Ramsey link theory: we show that any embedding , where O is a vertex of (K₅)ⁿ, has a pair of linked (n-1)-spheres.
We show that the proper homotopy type of any properly c-connected locally finite n-dimensional CW-complex is represented by a closed polyhedron in (Theorem I). The case n - c ≥ 3 is a special case of a general proper homotopy embedding theorem (Theorem II). For n - c ≤ 2 we need some basic properties of “proper” algebraic topology which are summarized in Appendices A and B. The results of this paper are the proper analogues of classical results by Stallings [17] and Wall [20] for finite CW-complexes;...
Soit un enlacement de intervalles dans d’extérieur et soit . On utilise la propriété de la paire d’être -acyclique pour certaines représentation de l’anneau du groupe fondamental de dans un anneau pour construire des invariants de torsion à valeurs dans le groupe . Un cas particulier est le polynôme d’Alexander en variables quand est l’anneau des fractions rationnelles avec et est simplement l’abélianisation.
Let be a topological group. We give the existence of an equivariant homology and cohomology theory, defined on the category of all -pairs and -maps, which both satisfy all seven equivariant Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms and have a given covariant and contravariant, respectively, coefficient system as coefficients.In the case that is a compact Lie group we also define equivariant -complexes and mention some of their basic properties.The paper is a short abstract and contains no proofs.