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Eight exactly solvable complex potentials in Bender-Boettcher quantum mechanics

Znojil, Miloslav (2001)

Proceedings of the 20th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

This is a readable review of recent work on non-Hermitian bound state problems with complex potentials. A particular example is the generalization of the harmonic oscillator with the potentials: V ( x ) = ω 2 2 x - 2 i β ω 2 - ω 2 . Other examples include complex generalizations of the Morse potential, the spiked radial harmonic potential, the Kratzer-Coulomb potential, the Rosen Morse oscillator and others. Instead of demanding Hermiticity H = H * the condition required is H = P T H P T where P changes the parity and T transforms i to - i .

Equivariant cohomology of the skyrmion bundle

Gross, Christian (1997)

Proceedings of the 16th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

The author constructs the gauged Skyrme model by introducing the skyrmion bundle as follows: instead of considering maps U : M SU N F he thinks of the meson fields as of global sections in a bundle B ( M , SU N F , G ) = P ( M , G ) × G SU N F . For calculations within the skyrmion bundle the author introduces by means of the so-called equivariant cohomology an analogue of the topological charge and the Wess-Zumino term. The final result of this paper is the following Theorem. For the skyrmion bundle with N F 6 , one has H * ( E G × G SU N F ) H * ( SU N F ) G S ( G ̲ * ) H * ( SU N F ) H * ( B G ) H * ( SU N F ) , where E G ( B G , G ) is the universal bundle...

Existence of skyrmions

Schmitt, Andreas (1997)

Proceedings of the 16th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

Summary: We give an introduction to the Skyrme model from a mathematical point of view. Hereby, we show that it is difficult to solve the field equation even by means of the classical ansatz, the so-called hedgehog ansatz. Our main result is an extended existence proof for solutions of the field equation in the hedgehog ansatz.

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