Rational homotopy type of nilpotent and complete spaces
The aim of the article is to give a conceptual understanding of Kontsevich’s construction of the universal element of the cohomology of the coarse moduli space of smooth algebraic curves with given genus and punctures. In a first step the author presents a toy model of tree graphs coloured by an operad for which the graph complex and the universal cycle will be constructed. The universal cycle has coefficients in the operad for -algebras with trivial differential over the (dual) cobar construction...
[For the entire collection see Zbl 0742.00067.]The Tanaka-Krein type equivalence between Hopf algebras and functored monoidal categories provides the heuristic strategy of this paper. The author introduces the notion of a double cross product of monoidal categories as a generalization of double cross product of Hopf algebras, and explains some of the motivation from physics (the representation theory for double quantum groups).The Hopf algebra constructions are formulated in terms of monoidal categories...