Vadim Knizhnik [obituary]
[For the entire collection see Zbl 0699.00032.] In a previous paper [Cas. Pestovani Mat. 115, No.4, 360-367 (1990)] the author determined the set of the vector fields on TM by which connections on TM can be constructed. In this paper, he generalizes some of such constructions to the case of vector fields on fibred manifolds, giving several examples.
Let be the interior of a compact manifold of dimension with boundary , and be a conformally compact metric on , namely extends continuously (or with some degree of smoothness) as a metric to , where denotes a defining function for , i.e. on and , on . The restrction of to rescales upon changing , so defines invariantly a conformal class of metrics on , which is called the conformal infinity of . In the present paper, the author considers conformally compact metrics...