On algorithmical testing tables of random numbers.
The paper deals with a new mathematical model for quantum mechanics based on the fuzzy set theory [1]. The indefinite integral of observables is defined and some basic properties of the integral are examined.
We present a mathematical model allowing formally define the concepts of empirical and theoretical knowledge. The model consists of a finite set P of predicates and a probability space (Ω, S, P) over a finite set Ω called ontology which consists of objects ω for which the predicates π ∈ P are either valid (π(ω) = 1) or not valid (π(ω) = 0). Since this is a first step in this area, our approach is as simple as possible, but still nontrivial, as it is demonstrated by examples. More realistic approach...
Trillas ([1]) has defined a relational probability on an intuitionistic algebra and has given its basic properties. The main results of this paper are two. The first one says that a relational probability on a intuitionistic algebra defines a congruence such that the quotient is a Boolean algebra. The second one shows that relational probabilities are, in most cases, extensions of conditional probabilities on Boolean algebras.
In [14] we formalized probability and probability distribution on a finite sample space. In this article first we propose a formalization of the class of finite sample spaces whose element’s probability distributions are equivalent with each other. Next, we formalize the probability measure of the class of sample spaces we have formalized above. Finally, we formalize the sampling and posterior probability.
In this article we continue formalizing probability and randomness started in [13], where we formalized some theorems concerning the probability and real-valued random variables. In this paper we formalize the variance of a random variable and prove Chebyshev's inequality. Next we formalize the product probability measure on the Cartesian product of discrete spaces. In the final part of this article we define the algebra of real-valued random variables.
In the various branches of science, probability and randomness provide us with useful theoretical frameworks. The Formalized Mathematics has already published some articles concerning the probability: [23], [24], [25], and [30]. In order to apply those articles, we shall give some theorems concerning the probability and the real-valued random variables to prepare for further studies.
Following the studies made by Alsina and Schweizer about countable products of probabilistic metric spaces, two kinds of products of probabilistic normed spaces are investigated.
We have been working on the formalization of the probability and the randomness. In [15] and [16], we formalized some theorems concerning the real-valued random variables and the product of two probability spaces. In this article, we present the generalized formalization of [15] and [16]. First, we formalize the random variables of arbitrary set and prove the equivalence between random variable on Σ, Borel sets and a real-valued random variable on Σ. Next, we formalize the product of countably infinite...