Estimates of Hellinger integrals of infinitely divisible distributions
On montre que la fonction maximale de Hardy-Littlewood est de type sur certains groupes de Lie et variétés de Cartan-Hadamard.
The paper yields an investigation of the set of all finite measures on the product space with given difference of marginals. Extremal points of this set are characterized and constructed. Sets of uniqueness are studied in the relation to marginal problem. In the optimization problem the support of the optimal measure is described for a class of cost functions. In an example the optimal value is reached by an unbounded sequence of measures.
The characterization of extremal points of the set of probability measures with given marginals is given in the general context of a marginal system. The sets of marginal uniqueness are studied and an example is added to illustrate the theory.
We present a general necessary and sufficient algebraic condition for the spectral dilation of a finitely additive L(X,Y)-valued measure of finite semivariation when X and Y are Banach spaces. Using our condition we derive the main results of Rosenberg, Makagon and Salehi, and Miamee without the assumption that X and/or Y are Hilbert spaces. In addition we relate the dilation problem to the problem of factoring a family of operators through a single Hilbert space.