Displaying 81 – 100 of 169

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On a Szegö type limit theorem, the Hölder-Young-Brascamp-Lieb inequality, and the asymptotic theory of integrals and quadratic forms of stationary fields *

Florin Avram, Nikolai Leonenko, Ludmila Sakhno (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Many statistical applications require establishing central limit theorems for sums/integrals S T ( h ) = t I T h ( X t ) d t or for quadratic forms Q T ( h ) = t , s I T b ^ ( t - s ) h ( X t , X s ) d s d t , where Xt is a stationary process. A particularly important case is that of Appell polynomials h(Xt) = Pm(Xt), h(Xt,Xs) = Pm,n (Xt,Xs), since the “Appell expansion rank" determines typically the type of central limit theorem satisfied by the functionals ST(h), QT(h). We review and extend here to multidimensional indices, along lines conjectured in [F. Avram and M.S. Taqqu,...

On compact Ito's formulas for martingales of mc4.

María Jolis (1990)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We prove that the class mc4 of continuous martingales with parameter set [0,1]2, bounded in L4, is included in the class of semi-martingales Sc∞(L0(P)) defined by Allain in [A]. As a consequence we obtain a compact Itô's formula. Finally we relate this result with the compact Itô formula obtained by Sanz in [S] for martingales of mc4.

On m-dimensional stochastic processes in Banach spaces.

Rodolfo De Dominicis, Elvira Mascolo (1981)


In the present paper the authors prove a weak law of large numbers for multidimensional processes of random elements by means of the random weighting. The results obtained generalize those of Padgett and Taylor.

On the regularity of stochastic currents, fractional brownian motion and applications to a turbulence model

Franco Flandoli, Massimiliano Gubinelli, Francesco Russo (2009)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We study the pathwise regularity of the map φ↦I(φ)=∫0T〈φ(Xt), dXt〉, where φ is a vector function on ℝd belonging to some Banach space V, X is a stochastic process and the integral is some version of a stochastic integral defined via regularization. A continuous version of this map, seen as a random element of the topological dual of V will be called stochastic current. We give sufficient conditions for the current to live in some Sobolev space of distributions and we provide elements to conjecture...

PDE's for the Dyson, Airy and Sine processes

Mark Adler (2005)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In 1962, Dyson showed that the spectrum of a n × n random Hermitian matrix, whose entries (real and imaginary) diffuse according to n 2 independent Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, evolves as n non-colliding Brownian particles held together by a drift term. When n , the largest eigenvalue, with time and space properly rescaled, tends to the so-called Airy process, which is a non-markovian continuous stationary process. Similarly the eigenvalues in the bulk, with a different time and space rescaling, tend...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 169