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Factorized mutual information maximization

Thomas Merkh, Guido F. Montúfar (2020)


We investigate the sets of joint probability distributions that maximize the average multi-information over a collection of margins. These functionals serve as proxies for maximizing the multi-information of a set of variables or the mutual information of two subsets of variables, at a lower computation and estimation complexity. We describe the maximizers and their relations to the maximizers of the multi-information and the mutual information.

Filtering of signals transmitted in multichannel from Chandrasekhar and Riccati recursions.

S. Nakamori, A. Hermoso, J. Jiménez, J. Linares (2005)

Extracta Mathematicae

In this paper two recursive algorithms are proposed and compared as a solution of the least mean-squared error linear filtering problem of a wide-sense stationary scalar signal from uncertain observations perturbed by white and coloured additive noises. Considering that the state-space model of the signal is not available and that the variables modelling the uncertainty are not independent, the proposed algorithms are derived by using covariance information. The difference between both algorithms...

Funcionales de mínima g-divergencia y sus estimadores asociados (II).

Francisco Javier Cano Sevilla, M.ª Pilar Lasala Calleja (1984)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

Se realizan dos estudios de simulación para comprobar el comportamiento asintóticamente robusto del estimador de mínima g-divergencia para dos elecciones notables de la función g.

Funcionales de mínima g-divergencia y sus estimadores asociados (I).

Francisco José Cano Sevilla, M.ª Pilar Lasala Calleja (1984)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

Se introducen los funcionales de mínima g-divergencia y sus estimadores asociados. Se prueba la existencia y robustez del funcional y la convergencia del estimador asociado.

Further results on the generalized cumulative entropy

Antonio Di Crescenzo, Abdolsaeed Toomaj (2017)


Recently, a new concept of entropy called generalized cumulative entropy of order n was introduced and studied in the literature. It is related to the lower record values of a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables and with the concept of reversed relevation transform. In this paper, we provide some further results for the generalized cumulative entropy such as stochastic orders, bounds and characterization results. Moreover, some characterization results are derived...

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