Generalization of discrimination-rate theorems of Chernoff and Stein
Generalized length biased distribution is defined as , where is a probability density function, is a polynomial of degree , that is, , with for . If , we have the simple length biased distribution of Gupta and Keating [1]. First, characterizations of exponential, uniform and beta distributions are given in terms of simple length biased distributions. Next, for the case of generalized distribution, the distribution of the sum of independent variables is put in the closed form when ...
An adaptive output regulation design method is proposed for a class of output feedback systems with nonlinear exosystem and unknown parameters. A new nonlinear internal model approach is developed in the present study that successfully converts the global robust output regulation problem into a robust adaptive stabilization problem for the augmented system. Moreover, an output feedback controller is achieved based on a type of state filter which is designed for the transformed augmented system....