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Generalized length biased distributions

Giri S. Lingappaiah (1988)

Aplikace matematiky

Generalized length biased distribution is defined as h ( x ) = φ r ( x ) f ( x ) , x > 0 , where f ( x ) is a probability density function, φ r ( x ) is a polynomial of degree r , that is, φ r ( x ) = a 1 ( x / μ 1 ' ) + ... + a r ( x r / μ r ' ) , with a i > 0 , i = 1 , ... , r , a 1 + ... + a r = 1 , μ i ' = E ( x i ) for f ( x ) , i = 1 , 2 ... , r . If r = 1 , we have the simple length biased distribution of Gupta and Keating [1]. First, characterizations of exponential, uniform and beta distributions are given in terms of simple length biased distributions. Next, for the case of generalized distribution, the distribution of the sum of n independent variables is put in the closed form when f ( x ) ...

Global robust output regulation of a class of nonlinear systems with nonlinear exosystems

Yuan Jiang, Ke Lu, Jiyang Dai (2020)


An adaptive output regulation design method is proposed for a class of output feedback systems with nonlinear exosystem and unknown parameters. A new nonlinear internal model approach is developed in the present study that successfully converts the global robust output regulation problem into a robust adaptive stabilization problem for the augmented system. Moreover, an output feedback controller is achieved based on a type of state filter which is designed for the transformed augmented system....

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