On comparing several populations with a control population
In this work the problem of characterization of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) spectrum of an original complex-valued signal , t=0,1,...,n-1, modulated by random fluctuations of its amplitude and/or phase is investigated. It is assumed that the amplitude and/or phase of the signal at discrete times of observation are distorted by realizations of uncorrelated random variables or randomly permuted sequences of complex numbers. We derive the expected values and bounds on the variances of such...
Asymptotic properties of the Discrete Fourier Transform spectrum of a complex monochromatic oscillation with frequency randomly distorted at the observation times t=0,1,..., n-1 by a series of independent and identically distributed fluctuations is investigated. It is proved that the second moments of the spectrum at the discrete Fourier frequencies converge uniformly to zero as n → ∞ for certain frequency fluctuation distributions. The observed effect occurs even for frequency fluctuations with...
Equivalence testing is the natural approach to many statistical problems. First, its main application, bioequivalence testing, is reviewed. The basic concepts of bioequivalence testing (2×2 crossover designs, TOST, interval inclusion principle, etc.) and its problems (TOST biased character, the carryover problem, etc.) are considered. Next, equivalence testing is discussed more generally. Some applications and methods are reviewed and the relation of equivalence testing and distance-based inference...
The properties of two recursive estimators of the Fourier coefficients of a regression function with respect to a complete orthonormal system of bounded functions (ek) , k=1,2,..., are considered in the case of the observation model , i=1,...,n , where are independent random variables with zero mean and finite variance, , i=1,...,n, form a random sample from a distribution with density ϱ =1/(b-a) (uniform distribution) and are independent of the errors , i=1,...,n . Unbiasedness and mean-square...
It is shown that a popular variable choice method of Hellwig, which is recommended in the Polish econometric textbooks does not enjoy a very basic consistency property. It means in particular that the method may lead to rejection of significant variables in econometric modeling. A simulation study and a real data analysis case are given to support theoretical results.