Das maximale Signifikanzniveau des Tests: ,,Lehne H0 ab, wenn k unter n gegebenen Tests zur Ablehnung führen.
En este trabajo se estudian problemas de test de hipótesis para el vector de las medidas de poblaciones normales independientes con varianzas conocidas, cuando ambas, la hipótesis nula y la alternativa, imponen restricciones de orden sobre los parámetros.Se demuestra que para las hipótesis planteadas el test de razón de verosimilitud (TRV) está dominado por otro TRV para hipótesis que desprecian parte de la información de que se dispone.
We establish consistent estimators of jump positions and jump altitudes of a multi-level step function that is the best -approximation of a probability density function . If itself is a step-function the number of jumps may be unknown.
A model following control system (MFCS) can output general signals following the desired ones. In this paper, a method of nonlinear MFCS will be extended to be a nonlinear descriptor system in discrete time. The nonlinear system studied in this paper has the property of norm constraint , where , , . In this case, a new criterion is proposed to ensure the internal states be stable.
This paper is devoted to the study of some asymptotic properties of a -estimator in a framework of detection of abrupt changes in random field’s distribution. This class of problems includes e.g. recovery of sets. It involves various techniques, including -estimation method, concentration inequalities, maximal inequalities for dependent random variables and -mixing. Penalization of the criterion function when the size of the true model is unknown is performed. All the results apply under mild,...
This paper is devoted to the study of some asymptotic properties of a M-estimator in a framework of detection of abrupt changes in random field's distribution. This class of problems includes e.g. recovery of sets. It involves various techniques, including M-estimation method, concentration inequalities, maximal inequalities for dependent random variables and ϕ-mixing. Penalization of the criterion function when the size of the true model is unknown is performed. All the results apply under...
A procedure for testing occurrance of a transient change in mean of a sequence is suggested where inside an epidemic interval the mean is a linear function of time points. Asymptotic behavior of considered trimmed maximum-type test statistics is presented. Approximate critical values are obtained using an approximation of exceedance probabilities over a high level by Gaussian fields with a locally stationary structure.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the deviation inequalities and the moderate deviation principle of the least squares estimators of the unknown parameters of general th-order asymmetric bifurcating autoregressive processes, under suitable assumptions on the driven noise of the process. Our investigation relies on the moderate deviation principle for martingales.
Voting systems produce an aggregated result of the individual preferences of the voters. In many cases the aggregated collective preference – the result of the voting procedure – mirrors much more than anything else the characteristics of the voting systems. Preferential voting systems work most of the time with equidistant differences between the adjacent preferences of an individual voter. They produce, as voting systems usually do, some paradoxical results under special circumstances. However,...