Displaying 141 – 160 of 1240

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Application of MCMC to change point detection

Jaromír Antoch, David Legát (2008)

Applications of Mathematics

A nonstandard approach to change point estimation is presented in this paper. Three models with random coefficients and Bayesian approach are used for modelling the year average temperatures measured in Prague Klementinum. The posterior distribution of the change point and other parameters are estimated from the random samples generated by the combination of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and the Gibbs sampler.

Approximate bias for first-order autoregressive model with uniform innovations. Small sample case

Karima Nouali, Hocine Fellag (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

The first-order autoregressive model with uniform innovations is considered. The approximate bias of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the parameter is obtained. Also, a formula for the approximate bias is given when a single outlier occurs at a specified time with a known amplitude. Simulation procedures confirm that our formulas are suitable. A small sample case is considered only.

Approximated maximum likelihood estimation of parameters of discrete stable family

Lenka Slámová, Lev B. Klebanov (2014)


In this article we propose a method of parameters estimation for the class of discrete stable laws. Discrete stable distributions form a discrete analogy to classical stable distributions and share many interesting properties with them such as heavy tails and skewness. Similarly as stable laws discrete stable distributions are defined through characteristic function and do not posses a probability mass function in closed form. This inhibits the use of classical estimation methods such as maximum...

Approximative solutions of stochastic optimization problems

Petr Lachout (2010)


The aim of this paper is to present some ideas how to relax the notion of the optimal solution of the stochastic optimization problem. In the deterministic case, ε -minimal solutions and level-minimal solutions are considered as desired relaxations. We call them approximative solutions and we introduce some possibilities how to combine them with randomness. Relations among random versions of approximative solutions and their consistency are presented in this paper. No measurability is assumed, therefore,...

Assessing influence in survival data with a cured fraction and covariates.

Edwin M. M. Ortega, Vicente G. Cancho, Victor Hugo Lachos (2008)


Diagnostic methods have been an important tool in regression analysis to detect anomalies, such as departures from error assumptions and the presence of outliers and influential observations with the fitted models. Assuming censored data, we considered a classical analysis and Bayesian analysis assuming no informative priors for the parameters of the model with a cure fraction. A Bayesian approach was considered by using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods with Metropolis-Hasting algorithms steps to...

Asymptotic analysis of minimum volume confidence regions for location-scale families

M. Alama-Bućko, A. Zaigraev (2006)

Applicationes Mathematicae

An asymptotic analysis, when the sample size n tends to infinity, of the optimal confidence region established in Czarnowska and Nagaev (2001) is considered. As a result, two confidence regions, both close to the optimal one when n is sufficiently large, are suggested with a mild assumption on the distribution of a location-scale family.

Asymptotic behaviour of a BIPF algorithm with an improper target

Claudio Asci, Mauro Piccioni (2009)


The BIPF algorithm is a Markovian algorithm with the purpose of simulating certain probability distributions supported by contingency tables belonging to hierarchical log-linear models. The updating steps of the algorithm depend only on the required expected marginal tables over the maximal terms of the hierarchical model. Usually these tables are marginals of a positive joint table, in which case it is well known that the algorithm is a blocking Gibbs Sampler. But the algorithm makes sense even...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 1240