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Goodness-of-fit tests based on K φ -divergence

Teresa Pérez, Julio A. Pardo (2003)


In this paper a new family of statistics based on K φ -divergence for testing goodness-of-fit under composite null hypotheses are considered. The asymptotic distribution of this test is obtained when the unspecified parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood as well as minimum K φ -divergence.

Goodness-of-fit tests for parametric regression models based on empirical characteristic functions

Marie Hušková, Simon G. Meintanis (2009)


Test procedures are constructed for testing the goodness-of-fit in parametric regression models. The test statistic is in the form of an L2 distance between the empirical characteristic function of the residuals in a parametric regression fit and the corresponding empirical characteristic function of the residuals in a non-parametric regression fit. The asymptotic null distribution as well as the behavior of the test statistic under contiguous alternatives is investigated. Theoretical results are...

Goodness-of-fit tests in long-range dependent processes under fixed alternatives

Holger Dette, Kemal Sen (2013)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In a recent paper Fay and Philippe [ESAIM: PS 6 (2002) 239–258] proposed a goodness-of-fit test for long-range dependent processes which uses the logarithmic contrast as information measure. These authors established asymptotic normality under the null hypothesis and local alternatives. In the present note we extend these results and show that the corresponding test statistic is also normally distributed under fixed alternatives.

How powerful are data driven score tests for uniformity

Tadeusz Inglot, Alicja Janic (2009)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We construct a new class of data driven tests for uniformity, which have greater average power than existing ones for finite samples. Using a simulation study, we show that these tests as well as some "optimal maximum test" attain an average power close to the optimal Bayes test. Finally, we prove that, in the middle range of the power function, the loss in average power of the "optimal maximum test" with respect to the Neyman-Pearson tests, constructed separately for each alternative, in the Gaussian...

Kendall's tau-type rank statistics in genome data

Moonsu Kang, Pranab Kumar Sen (2008)

Applications of Mathematics

High-dimensional data models abound in genomics studies, where often inadequately small sample sizes create impasses for incorporation of standard statistical tools. Conventional assumptions of linearity of regression, homoscedasticity and (multi-) normality of errors may not be tenable in many such interdisciplinary setups. In this study, Kendall's tau-type rank statistics are employed for statistical inference, avoiding most of parametric assumptions to a greater extent. The proposed procedures...

Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample test based on regression rank scores

Martin Schindler (2008)

Applications of Mathematics

We derive the two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov type test when a nuisance linear regression is present. The test is based on regression rank scores and provides a natural extension of the classical Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Its asymptotic distributions under the hypothesis and the local alternatives coincide with those of the classical test.

Limit theorems for rank statistics detecting gradual changes

Aleš Slabý (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The purpose of the paper is to investigate weak asymptotic behaviour of rank statistics proposed for detection of gradual changes, linear trends in particular. The considered statistics can be used for various test procedures. The fundaments of the proofs are formed by results of Hušková [4] and Jarušková [5].

Locally most powerful rank tests for testing randomness and symmetry

Nguyen Van Ho (1998)

Applications of Mathematics

Let X i , 1 i N , be N independent random variables (i.r.v.) with distribution functions (d.f.) F i ( x , Θ ) , 1 i N , respectively, where Θ is a real parameter. Assume furthermore that F i ( · , 0 ) = F ( · ) for 1 i N . Let R = ( R 1 , ... , R N ) and R + = ( R 1 + , ... , R N + ) be the rank vectors of X = ( X 1 , ... , X N ) and | X | = ( | X 1 | , ... , | X N | ) , respectively, and let V = ( V 1 , ... , V N ) be the sign vector of X . The locally most powerful rank tests (LMPRT) S = S ( R ) and the locally most powerful signed rank tests (LMPSRT) S = S ( R + , V ) will be found for testing Θ = 0 against Θ > 0 or Θ < 0 with F being arbitrary and with F symmetric, respectively.

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