Estimation des paramètres dans le modèle linéaire général dynamique
Time series analysis deals with records that are collected over time. The objectives of time series analysis depend on the applications, but one of the main goals is to predict future values of the series. These values depend, usually in a stochastic manner, on the observations available at present. Such dependence has to be considered when predicting the future from its past, taking into account trend, seasonality and other features of the data. Some of the most successful forecasting methods are...
Robust methods similar to exponential smoothing are suggested in this paper. First previous results for exponential smoothing in are generalized using the regression quantiles, including a generalization to more parameters. Then a method based on the classical sign test is introduced that should deal not only with outliers but also with level shifts, including a detection of change points. Properties of various approaches are investigated by means of a simulation study. A real data example is...
Various types of exponential smoothing for data observed at irregular time intervals are surveyed. Double exponential smoothing and some modifications of Holt’s method for this type of data are suggested. A real data example compares double exponential smoothing and Wright’s modification of Holt’s method for data observed at irregular time intervals.
The paper deals with extensions of exponential smoothing type methods for univariate time series with irregular observations. An alternative method to Wright’s modification of simple exponential smoothing based on the corresponding ARIMA process is suggested. Exponential smoothing of order m for irregular data is derived. A similar method using a DLS **discounted least squares** estimation of polynomial trend of order m is derived as well. Maximum likelihood parameters estimation for forecasting...
Recursive time series methods are very popular due to their numerical simplicity. Their theoretical background is usually based on Kalman filtering in state space models (mostly in dynamic linear systems). However, in time series practice one must face frequently to outlying values (outliers), which require applying special methods of robust statistics. In the paper a simple robustification of Kalman filter is suggested using a simple truncation of the recursive residuals. Then this concept is applied...
The naïve and the least-squares extrapolation are investigated in the fractional autoregressive models of the first order. Some explicit formulas are derived for the one and two steps ahead extrapolation.
We derive a formula for -step least-squares extrapolation in non-linear AR processes and compare it with the naïve extrapolation. The least- squares extrapolation depends on the distribution of white noise. Some bounds for it are derived that depend only on the expectation of white noise. An example shows that in general case the difference between both types of extrapolation can be very large. Further, a formula for least-squares extrapolation in multidimensional non-linear AR() process is derived....
In this paper two recursive algorithms are proposed and compared as a solution of the least mean-squared error linear filtering problem of a wide-sense stationary scalar signal from uncertain observations perturbed by white and coloured additive noises. Considering that the state-space model of the signal is not available and that the variables modelling the uncertainty are not independent, the proposed algorithms are derived by using covariance information. The difference between both algorithms...
In this paper we present a forecasting method for time series using copula-based models for multivariate time series. We study how the performance of the predictions evolves when changing the strength of the different possible dependencies, as well as the structure of the dependence. We also look at the impact of the marginal distributions. The impact of estimation errors on the performance of the predictions is also considered. In all the experiments, we compare predictions from our multivariate...
Two general solutions of the collocation problem of physical geodesy are given. Their mutual equivalency and equivalency of them to the classical solution in the regular case are proved. The regularity means the non-singularity of the covariance matrix of those random variables by outcomes of which the measured values of the gravitational field are generated.
The paper suggests a generalization of widely used Holt-Winters smoothing and forecasting method for seasonal time series. The general concept of seasonality modeling is introduced both for the additive and multiplicative case. Several special cases are discussed, including a linear interpolation of seasonal indices and a usage of trigonometric functions. Both methods are fully applicable for time series with irregularly observed data (just the special case of missing observations was covered up...
Let be vector ARMA processes. Denote by the predictor of based on and by the predictor of based on . The accuracy of the predictors is measured by and . A general sufficient condition for the equality is given in the paper and it is shown that the equality implies for all natural numbers .