Tables of the brillouin function Štefan Zajac, L. Valenta (1970) Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica
Tables of the functions of the parabolic cylinder for negative integer parameters J. Murzewski, A. Sowa (1972) Applicationes Mathematicae
The Convergence Rates of Expansions in Jacobi Polynomials. L.M. Delves, M. Bain (1976/1977) Numerische Mathematik
The Numerical Computation of the Confluent Hypergeometric Function U(a,b,z) N.M. Temme (1983) Numerische Mathematik
The properties, inequalities and numerical approximation of modified Bessel functions. Rappoport, Juri M. (2006) ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis [electronic only]
The quantized Jacobi polynomials Antonín Lukš (1987) Aplikace matematiky The author studies a system of polynomials orthogonal at a finite set of points its weight approximating that of the orthogonal system of classical Jacobi polynomials.
Truncation Error Bounds for Modified Continued Fractions with Applications to Special Functions. W.B. Jones, Christopher Baltus (1987) Numerische Mathematik