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4D Embryogenesis image analysis using PDE methods of image processing

Paul Bourgine, Róbert Čunderlík, Olga Drblíková-Stašová, Karol Mikula, Mariana Remešíková, Nadine Peyriéras, Barbara Rizzi, Alessandro Sarti (2010)


In this paper, we introduce a set of methods for processing and analyzing long time series of 3D images representing embryo evolution. The images are obtained by in vivo scanning using a confocal microscope where one of the channels represents the cell nuclei and the other one the cell membranes. Our image processing chain consists of three steps: image filtering, object counting (center detection) and segmentation. The corresponding methods are based on numerical solution of nonlinear PDEs, namely...

A brief review of some application driven fast algorithms for elliptic partial differential equations

Prabir Daripa (2012)

Open Mathematics

Some application driven fast algorithms developed by the author and his collaborators for elliptic partial differential equations are briefly reviewed here. Subsequent use of the ideas behind development of these algorithms for further development of other algorithms some of which are currently in progress is briefly mentioned. Serial and parallel implementation of these algorithms and their applications to some pure and applied problems are also briefly reviewed.

A. C. Clarke's Space Odyssey and Newton's law of gravity

Bartoň, Stanislav, Renčín, Lukáš (2017)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

In his famous tetralogy, Space Odyssey, A. C. Clarke called the calculation of a motion of a mass point in the gravitational field of the massive cuboid a classical problem of gravitational mechanics. This article presents a proposal for a solution to this problem in terms of Newton's theory of gravity. First we discuss and generalize Newton's law of gravitation. We then compare the gravitational field created by the cuboid -- monolith, with the gravitational field of the homogeneous sphere. This...

A compactness result for a second-order variational discrete model

Andrea Braides, Anneliese Defranceschi, Enrico Vitali (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We analyze a nonlinear discrete scheme depending on second-order finite differences. This is the two-dimensional analog of a scheme which in one dimension approximates a free-discontinuity energy proposed by Blake and Zisserman as a higher-order correction of the Mumford and Shah functional. In two dimension we give a compactness result showing that the continuous problem approximating this difference scheme is still defined on special functions with bounded hessian, and we give an upper and a lower...

A compactness result for a second-order variational discrete model

Andrea Braides, Anneliese Defranceschi, Enrico Vitali (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We analyze a nonlinear discrete scheme depending on second-order finite differences. This is the two-dimensional analog of a scheme which in one dimension approximates a free-discontinuity energy proposed by Blake and Zisserman as a higher-order correction of the Mumford and Shah functional. In two dimension we give a compactness result showing that the continuous problem approximating this difference scheme is still defined on special functions...

A conjecture on multivariate polynomial interpolation.

Jesús Miguel Carnicer, Mariano Gasca (2001)


La generalización de las fórmulas de interpolación de Lagrange y Newton a varias variables es uno de los temas habituales de estudio en interpolación polinómica. Dos clases de configuraciones geométricas particularmente interesantes en el plano fueron obtenidas por Chung y Yao en 1978 para la fórmula de Lagrange y por Gasca y Maeztu en 1982 para la de Newton. Estos últimos autores conjeturaron que toda configuración de la primera clase es de la segunda, y probaron que el recíproco no es cierto....

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