Displaying 61 – 80 of 81

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Aggregation/disaggregation method for safety models

Štěpán Klapka, Petr Mayer (2002)

Applications of Mathematics

The paper concerns the possibilities for mathematical modelling of safety related systems (equipment oriented on safety). Some mathematical models have been required by the present European Standards for the railway transport. We are interested in the possibility of using Markov’s models to meet these Standards. In the text an example of using that method in the interlocking equipment life cycle is given. An efficient aggregation/disaggregation method for computing some characteristics of Markov...

Approximation and asymptotics of eigenvalues of unbounded self-adjoint Jacobi matrices acting in l 2 by the use of finite submatrices

Maria Malejki (2010)

Open Mathematics

We consider the problem of approximation of eigenvalues of a self-adjoint operator J defined by a Jacobi matrix in the Hilbert space l 2(ℕ) by eigenvalues of principal finite submatrices of an infinite Jacobi matrix that defines this operator. We assume the operator J is bounded from below with compact resolvent. In our research we estimate the asymptotics (with n → ∞) of the joint error of approximation for the eigenvalues, numbered from 1 to N; of J by the eigenvalues of the finite submatrix J...

Asymptotics for weakly dependent errors-in-variables

Michal Pešta (2013)


Linear relations, containing measurement errors in input and output data, are taken into account in this paper. Parameters of these so-called errors-in-variables (EIV) models can be estimated by minimizing the total least squares (TLS) of the input-output disturbances. Such an estimate is highly non-linear. Moreover in some realistic situations, the errors cannot be considered as independent by nature. Weakly dependent ( α - and ϕ -mixing) disturbances, which are not necessarily stationary nor identically...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 81